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Our Challenges

Although we have many success in safeguarding and protecting legal rights of victims, still we have to face many challenges. It is not possible for police to face challenges solely but by the integrated service comprising doctors, social workers and policy makers, these challenges can be reduced.

Challenges are:

  1. No separate rules for including the activities of VSC in Dhaka Metropolitan Ordinance
  2. Less number of female police in police department
  3. Limitations in exicuting law and obscurity in clarification of some laws on related issues.
  4. Challenges of handling disabled (dumb, deef etc) victims
  5. Lengthiness in criminal justice process creates sense of insecurity  and depression in the mind of victims.  It reduces victims' physical and mental working  capability as a result it hampers their rehabilitation process.
  6. Less facilities in case of mental health services
  7. Many children cannot  provide their family address properly. It also hinders to communicate with their legal guardians.